Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Review of The Twilight Saga: New Moon

I was looking forward to seeing The Twilight Saga: New Moon for many reasons. Of the four books in the Twilight series ("Twilight" / "New Moon" / "Eclipse" / "Breaking Dawn"), I found "New Moon" the most enjoyable. So much happens in the lives of our new-age, star-crossed lovers.

The relationship between Bella Swan and the vampire, Edward Cullen, is briefly severed. Following this, Bella establishes a close friendship with Jacob Black, leaving the reader to wonder if this friendship will blossom into something more. As their friendship flourishes, Bella learns that vampires aren't the only supernatural beings in the world. Simultaneously, vampire Victoria seeks revenge against Bella for the loss of her mate (See Twilight), and the Vulturi family - my personal favorite, are introduced. I was curious to see how director Chris Weitz was going to incorporate these topics into the film.

If you are a tween or a teenager and have read the books, New Moon will be just what the doctor ordered. This movie caters to the young fans that eagerly awaited it's release and will have them walking out of the theater debating whether to be on 'Team Edward' or 'Team Jacob'.

Adult opinions, however, may vary. With a runtime of 130 minutes, New Moon seemed to drag at points, leaving me disappointed and not on the edge of my seat as I had anticipated. Additionally, the cheesy, melodramatic nature of the film left me wishing there was more substance to the plot.

That being said, Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) and Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) still have the same undeniable chemistry we witnessed in Twilight. When they are together on screen they are captivating, leaving the audience wanting more.

A stand out in the cast is Taylor Lautner. Readers, he is someone to keep your eyes out for. He represents true dedication to the craft of acting and getting into character. At just 17 years of age, he managed to gain approximately 30 pounds to accurately portray the role of Jacob Black. Although not yet Oscar worthy, his acting chops show great promise for the future.

Director Chris Weitz aptly developed the love triangle between Edward, Bella and Jacob. However, I would have also liked to see more of the menacing Vulturi family. Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning are outstanding as members of this old-age vampire cult.

If you plan to see this movie in theaters, keep an ear out for the soundtrack. Some of my favorite songs played in the film include "Meet Me On The Equinox" by Death Cab for Cutie and "I Belong To You" by Muse.

In sum, I would give The Twilight Saga: New Moon 3 out of 5 bites.

Check out the trailer below: