Saturday, October 3, 2009

Answer to Movie Quote!

Answer to the last movie quote:

"I've got a witch mad at me and you might get into trouble." - Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz, 1939)

This film favorite recently celebrated it's 70th Anniversary. Even though many years have gone by, Dorothy Gale's journey continues to touch generation after generation. Why do you think that is? I believe that underneath this kid-friendly tale lies a much deeper meaning. This movie is about life. Taking chances, accepting people for who they are, facing ones fears and having faith in yourself are a few of the many themes of this movie. The Wizard of Oz also stresses the importance of friendship and love. Without family and friends, where would we be? For Dorothy Gale, there was no place like home. So readers, I ask you; if you could click your heels three times, where would you go?